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A sample of previous and ongoing research projects at the LAB collab:

Understanding Hedging Language

What is the impact of language that introduces ambiguity (e.g. "hedging language") in clinical scenarios?

Project Leads:

Hannah Kirsch and Kristin Kennedy

Exception from Informed Consent

One question or one sentence summary of EFIC project / conceptual ideas/direction

Project Leads:

Samantha Stein & Justin Clapp

Candidacy & Decision Making

What shapes what interventions are possible and how are those possibilities conveyed to patients?

Project Leads:

Bonnie O. Wong and Jacob A. Blythe

"We got it all" & other simple phrases

How do simple phrases like "we got it all" stick in patients' minds with unintended downstream effects?

Project Lead:

Bonnie O. Wong


How do different individuals understand the concept of "treatability" differently and why does it matter?

Project Leads: 

Jason N. Batten & Bonnie O. Wong

Decision Making and Cancer Care

How does longitudinal and multidisciplinary decision making happen for cancer care?

Project Leads:

Justin T. Clapp & Samantha Stein

the LAB collab

Thank you for your interest in our research. If you'd like to join our lab meetings, or have any questions or comments regarding our work and publications, please contact us here.

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