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LAB collab meetings

Our weekly lab meetings provide a space for lab members and guests to develop collaborations, provide feedback on ongoing projects, and learn from each other. Our weekly collaboratory meetings include:


  • JOURNAL & METHODS CLUBS to present and discuss foundational theories and texts and to further develop our conceptual work and understanding. 

  • WORKS IN PROGRESS to allow collaboratory members to present their work on a regular basis. Feedback is provided at each step of a project (conception, data collection, analysis) to develop rigorous empirical research and train social science researchers.

  • GUEST TALKS allow us to host researchers who are interested in the work of the LAB collab or whose work may align with the LAB collab, contributing to our goal of building a diverse network of interlocutors.

Lab Meeting Schedule

The LAB collab meets weekly during the academic calendar.  The LAB collab recesses for the months of July and August, and resumes meetings in September. Each summer, a poll is sent out to members to determine the best time for meetings in the coming academic year. 


A tentative line-up of presenters is arranged at the start of each quarter. Reminder emails with agendas for each meeting and materials for circulation will be sent. Please fill out the contact form below if you would like to be added to the LAB collab mailing list to receive these emails.

Sept 11, 2023, 4-5pm PT

Annabel Chen, BA

Hedging research letter workshop

Sept 29, 2023, 12-1pm PT

Gretchen Schwarze, MD, MPP

Equipoise ruler talk

Oct 9, 2023, 4-5pm PT

Chenery Lowe, PhD, CGC

Genetics talk

Oct 27, 2023, 12-1pm PT

Colin Halverson, PhD

Emojis in clinical communication talk

Nov 6, 2023, 4-5pm PT

Hannah Kirsch, MD

Serious illness conversations project workshop

Dec 4, 2023, 4-5pm PT

Jason Shen, BA & Anoushka Rao

Brain death project workshop

Dec 22, 2023, 12-1pm PT

Tyler Tate, MD, MA

Methods workshop

Contact Us

the LAB collab

Thank you for your interest in our research. If you'd like to join our lab meetings, or have any questions or comments regarding our work and publications, please contact us here.

Thanks for your message!

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